Sunday, October 4, 2009

my door!

Friday, September 25, 2009

for nick

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Grand Canyon.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Listening to Reba's new album. Pretty good so far. I am a HUGE fan of this lady. Yes, she uses auto-tune. Yes, she's had plastic surgery. Yes, her show is corny. But who cares? She is so much better than say Carrie Underwood or Taylor Swift, who seem to be dominating the female country genre. Reba has been making albums for decades and is so classy. There will never be another 'Fancy.'


Seriously, I love both Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter. They are so talented and amazing. I think they are my favorite celebrity couple ever (alongside Sam Mendes and Kate Winslet). I really wish I could meet all of them. I made this set featuring TB and HBC, and I just love how it turned out.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back to Flag I go!

So, in about 8 hours I will be back at school. Yippee! Or not? I'm not sure if I am excited. I have gotten used to not being obligated to talk to people or interact. I hate being friendly and fake, but I guess that's (unfortunately) part of life. Also I don't think I want to be a teacher anymore! My family laughs at me because I am always changing my mind. Oh well, it's mine to change. Maybe I will be a book editor or something like that. My mom wants me to be a Television/Screen Writer, which would be pretty cool. Oh well, whatever.

I realized the other day that this Summer I only really read 4"types" of books. I read either Gossip Girl Books(Total guilty pleasure, as is the show), The Sookie Vampire Mystery books(based on the HBO show True Blood), books by John Green, or books by J.D. Salinger. There are only two exceptions which were Snuff and The Glass Castle. Snuff was about an aging porn star and was so-so. I totally loved The Glass Castle. It was cool how a lot of it took place in Arizona, so I knew where the author/narrator was talking about. There's a tiny city called 'Why' in Southern AZ that you pass through on the way to Mexico. For a while the author lived there which is totally crazy. It's about the last place on earth you'd ever want to live (well, not really, but you get the point).

This past Tuesday Dexter Season 3 and Gossip Girl Season 2 came out on DVD. To say I am excited is a total understatement. Those releasing makes starting school bearable. After my classes I can lay on my bed and watch my Netflix for hours if I choose. AND next week House MD. Season 5 comes out. I am SOOOOO excited for this! The reason I watch all of these shows on DVD is because I tend to always start watching shows late. Like, I don't watch them when they first premier on TV. I don't know why, but oh well. It's fun to watch them on DVD because you don't have to wait a whole week for a new episode, you can watch like 3 or 4 or 5 in a row!

All for now.
I really doubt anyone will read this. If you read this, comment saying "Power Puff Girls"

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sandals & Photo Winners

Congrats to the winners of my latest contest! All of the entries were amazing.

See more on Polyvore

Monday, August 10, 2009

My "Dress Like...." Collection

Recently I have become addicted to making looks based off of celebrity street style. As you can see, the Olsen twins are my favorite. More to come soon...

View 'Dress Like....' on Polyvore

I loved........

500 Days of Summer!
It was seriously better than I thought it would be. There weren't too many "hip references" and the music was great. The part about Belle & Sebastian didn't hurt either :)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

t-shirt I designed

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Summer Break has Started....

And I am so bored. I enjoy having time off and doing nothing, but with my brothers in school it gets dull around the house. I won at Monopoly last night and tonight. I am on a mini winning streak. I downloaded a lot of movies today and I can't wait to burn them. I went into Radioshack to buy blank dvds and the guy working there was a strange cat. I'm pretty sure they get like 10 customers a day, so the guy freaked out when Ethan and I walked in. He watched the whole time we were browsing and kept asking me if I found everything okay. I kept telling him yes. Then when we checked out he asked me if I wanted to upgrade my cell phone or buy printer ink. I am pretty sure he has to say this, but still it's annoying. Who goes into a store just wanting to buy dvds and then remembers they HAVE to upgrade their cell phone? Whatever, it was just awkward. It is hot in our house. If the pool light wasn't broken I might go swimming.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Not Fair


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pink Lily Make Up

My Favorite Flower Ever!

Monday, May 4, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

So, last night I went and saw X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I only went because Victor made me go. I am not really a fan of the Action genre. I think that last quality action movie to be made was Terminator 2, and that was in the early 90's(The new one looks stupid as hell). Well, I do like a few more recent ones, but in general, I don't like to watch action movies.

I thought overall the movie wasn't horrible. Many reviews make it sound like a terrible movie, but I thought it was decent. Of course being a fan of Hugh Jackman doesn't hurt :) There were however, too many corny scenes and shots. The best/worst was when Wolverine emerges from a fiery explosion on a motorcycle. I just had to laugh at that part. I will say that Hugh Jackman makes a great looking lumberjack. Maybe NAU should use some stills of him from this movie on their website to make it more appealing.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

go outside, there's life

Today is beautiful,


Death destroys a man, but the idea of death saves him.
-E.M. Forster

I thought how unpleasant it is to be locked out; and I thought how it is worse, perhaps, to be locked in.
-Virginia Woolf

I've never been able to plan my life. I just lurch from indecision to indecision.
-Alan Rickman

So Great, Thank You Ethan

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Iamsointothis song.

The Dangling Conversation
by Simon & Garfunkel

It's a still life water color,
Of a now late afternoon,
As the sun shines through the curtained lace
And shadows wash the room.
And we sit and drink our coffee
Couched in our indifference,
Like shells upon the shore
You can hear the ocean roar
In the dangling conversation
And the superficial sighs,
The borders of our lives.

And you read your Emily Dickinson,
And I my Robert Frost,
And we note our place with bookmarkers
That measure what we've lost.
Like a poem poorly written
We are verses out of rhythm,
Couplets out of rhyme,
In syncopated time
And the dangled conversation
And the superficial sighs,
Are the borders of our lives.

Yes, we speak of things that matter,
With words that must be said,
"Can analysis be worthwhile?"
"Is the theater really dead?"
And how the room is softly faded
And I only kiss your shadow,
I cannot feel your hand,
You're a stranger now unto me
Lost in the dangling conversation.
And the superficial sighs,
In the borders of our lives.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dreams of Park Slope.....

I can't wait for school to be over with! I can only waste my time for so long. I am ready to work work work. I am so lucky to have a job every summer. Not to mention, an easy well-paid job. I can never remember looking forward to working so much in my life. Lifeguarding requires no essays, or pointless assignments. You just sit in the sun and yell at people. If that's not fun, what is? I wish I could lifeguard for my entire life, except I'd look like an old piece of leather.
I wish I could move to Brooklyn with my brother Nick right now. I have never been to Brooklyn, or anywhere near it for that matter. Who cares? I just want to leave Arizona. I do not like it here. I better not end up living here my whole life. I just can't let myself get stuck in Phoenix's clutches. I want to live somewhere cold with a good history and beautiful places. Phoenix is not cold and it's ugly as hell. Well, I better go write my "Horses as a Symbol" paper.


So I recently started a group on Polyvore called Sandals! If you haven't already joined, do so now! I think it has been pretty successful so far. I really enjoy being a group moderator, I find it to be really fun and enjoyable. Our first contest just ended, I am going to post the winners on here. I loved looking at all of the entries so much. Our second contest is in full swing. The theme for this one is Gladiator Sandals. Well, if you are reading this, and a member of Polyvore, make sure to enter!
See more on Polyvore

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Find me on Polyvore

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sun Day

Today is Sunday. Tomorrow is Monday. That means school. BOOOOO. Actually I only have 1 class tomorrow, so it won't be too bad. My room is messy and I should clean it. Yeah right. Today went by super fast. This morning my group from my Education class went to prepare food at The Flagstaff Family Food Center. It is a place that serves hot meals to people who need them and they also help children with reading and homework. It seemed like a wonderful place and I'm looking forward to going back soon. Also, I've been making tons of new Polyvore sets, here are some of my latest creations (below the other pics).

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Scuba and School

Today has been the longest day ever! And I still have to make a power point about horses in art. BOOOOOOOO. I just need to get motivated. Yeah right. I am leaving for Mexico VERY early Friday morning to get my SCUBA certification. I am pretty pumped for the trip and it should be really fun. In the meantime I have all this lame crap to do for school. Also, I really should read more, but I've been so busy this week that every little bit of time I have I'm either on the comp or playing video games. I'm a future English teacher for God's sake, I need to read more!!! Oh yeah, and I'm pretty much in LOVE with Jackson Browne right now, he's SO amazing.

Monday, March 23, 2009

So, back to school after Spring break, BLAH. I am dreading my scuba class tonight because I don't feel like swimming and I'm tired. My friend let me borrow his PS2 for the rest of the semester so I'm happy about that. Soul Calibur III is the SHIT. Also, I'm reading a new book called Special by Bella Bathurst. It's really great so far. As always I'm making many new Polyvore sets a day, it's my #1 addiction (besides my iPod). Anyways going to take a shower and eat lunch soon.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Snow Day

Today was a snow day which was really cool. I have my crappy classes on Tuesday(Math and Education) so I am very excited. All I have really done is read and go on Polyvore though. Oh and eat lunch. My disk of "Friends With Money" from Netflix wouldn't play so I am a little sad.