Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Listening to Reba's new album. Pretty good so far. I am a HUGE fan of this lady. Yes, she uses auto-tune. Yes, she's had plastic surgery. Yes, her show is corny. But who cares? She is so much better than say Carrie Underwood or Taylor Swift, who seem to be dominating the female country genre. Reba has been making albums for decades and is so classy. There will never be another 'Fancy.'
Posted by Bethcabforcutie at 11:13 PM 1 comments
Seriously, I love both Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter. They are so talented and amazing. I think they are my favorite celebrity couple ever (alongside Sam Mendes and Kate Winslet). I really wish I could meet all of them. I made this set featuring TB and HBC, and I just love how it turned out.
Posted by Bethcabforcutie at 10:39 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Back to Flag I go!
So, in about 8 hours I will be back at school. Yippee! Or not? I'm not sure if I am excited. I have gotten used to not being obligated to talk to people or interact. I hate being friendly and fake, but I guess that's (unfortunately) part of life. Also I don't think I want to be a teacher anymore! My family laughs at me because I am always changing my mind. Oh well, it's mine to change. Maybe I will be a book editor or something like that. My mom wants me to be a Television/Screen Writer, which would be pretty cool. Oh well, whatever.
I realized the other day that this Summer I only really read 4"types" of books. I read either Gossip Girl Books(Total guilty pleasure, as is the show), The Sookie Vampire Mystery books(based on the HBO show True Blood), books by John Green, or books by J.D. Salinger. There are only two exceptions which were Snuff and The Glass Castle. Snuff was about an aging porn star and was so-so. I totally loved The Glass Castle. It was cool how a lot of it took place in Arizona, so I knew where the author/narrator was talking about. There's a tiny city called 'Why' in Southern AZ that you pass through on the way to Mexico. For a while the author lived there which is totally crazy. It's about the last place on earth you'd ever want to live (well, not really, but you get the point).
This past Tuesday Dexter Season 3 and Gossip Girl Season 2 came out on DVD. To say I am excited is a total understatement. Those releasing makes starting school bearable. After my classes I can lay on my bed and watch my Netflix for hours if I choose. AND next week House MD. Season 5 comes out. I am SOOOOO excited for this! The reason I watch all of these shows on DVD is because I tend to always start watching shows late. Like, I don't watch them when they first premier on TV. I don't know why, but oh well. It's fun to watch them on DVD because you don't have to wait a whole week for a new episode, you can watch like 3 or 4 or 5 in a row!
All for now.
I really doubt anyone will read this. If you read this, comment saying "Power Puff Girls"
Posted by Bethcabforcutie at 1:40 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sandals & Photo Winners
Congrats to the winners of my latest contest! All of the entries were amazing.
Posted by Bethcabforcutie at 12:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
My "Dress Like...." Collection
Posted by Bethcabforcutie at 1:12 PM 1 comments
I loved........
It was seriously better than I thought it would be. There weren't too many "hip references" and the music was great. The part about Belle & Sebastian didn't hurt either :)

Posted by Bethcabforcutie at 11:10 AM 1 comments