Monday, May 4, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

So, last night I went and saw X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I only went because Victor made me go. I am not really a fan of the Action genre. I think that last quality action movie to be made was Terminator 2, and that was in the early 90's(The new one looks stupid as hell). Well, I do like a few more recent ones, but in general, I don't like to watch action movies.

I thought overall the movie wasn't horrible. Many reviews make it sound like a terrible movie, but I thought it was decent. Of course being a fan of Hugh Jackman doesn't hurt :) There were however, too many corny scenes and shots. The best/worst was when Wolverine emerges from a fiery explosion on a motorcycle. I just had to laugh at that part. I will say that Hugh Jackman makes a great looking lumberjack. Maybe NAU should use some stills of him from this movie on their website to make it more appealing.


me said...

The new terminator looks cool!!!!!!!!!!!

Bethcabforcutie said...

oh my god u have to kidding! that movie looks terrible. not as bad as Transformers 2, but still.....